Monday, January 29, 2007

Jeszcze linki is an Internet-based news service that employs a team of translators around the region to gather important stories from and about the Middle East.
Our core product is a daily email newsletter to English speaking subscribers that aggregates key English language stories about the Middle East together with translated Arabic and Persian stories that appear via the print, radio and television media of the region.
As it currently stands we cover news from all 22 Arab countries, Iran, and the Arab media Diaspora generally. Thus our reach extends across the North Africa region as well as to the UK and other countries that host Pan-Arab media.
OpinionSource delivers previews, context and links to major op-eds, editorials and blogs around the world including the United States, UK, China, the Middle East and India and the Sub-continent to give you both domestic and international perspectives. We have also added a special blog roundup called Blogorama.

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