Monday, January 29, 2007

29 stycznia - poniedziałek

Clinton: The X Factor - The Caucus Blog
DES MOINES — The conversation and themes of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s town hall visit can be boiled down to one word thus far: Women. Several women, in their questions to Mrs. Clinton, have asked about the challenges of running and winning as a woman, and about the roles that many women play in society, like teachers dealing with hormonal teenagers. [więcej]

The Role of the Blogosphere Is to Shake-Up the Mainstream Media - Spiegel
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Is the Internet revolutionizing political discourse in the United States?
Arianna Huffington: Definitely. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton announced their intentions to become presidential candidates online. Clinton is having a three-day question and answer period on the Internet. And we're working on the first online presidential debate -- first for the primaries, then for the general election. Bloggers and the whole online community are holding the mainstream media's feet to the fire. They focus too much on polling results and the latest horse race instead of the real issues. It's up to the online community to cover the presidential race 2008 in a more interesting way. [więcej],1518,462557,00.html

58% want this Presidency to be over - Daily Kos
58% of Americans say they "wish the Bush presidency were simply over, a sentiment that is almost unanimous among Democrats (86 percent), and is shared by a clear majority (59 percent) of independents and even one in five (21 percent) Republicans. [więcej]

No lock on black voters for Obam - Associated Press
Being black doesn't necessarily mean White House hopeful Sen. Barack Obama (news, bio, voting record) has a lock on black voters. In wooing a faithful Democratic constituency, Obama faces two-term New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the party front-runner who enjoys strong support in the black community. [więcej]

Report from Iowa: Hill-o-rama - Swampland - TIME
The brand-new Hillary Clinton presidential campaign already feels like a White House operation. Even in a state where voters pride themselves on a famously blase attitude toward people who think they want to be President, she counts as a celebrity. On Saturday, the campaign booked a school gymnasium that could fit 1,800 for her first big public rally. [więcej]

The Line: Can Any '08er Knock Off McCain or Clinton? - The Fix - Washington Post
The number of candidates entering (and entering and entering) and exiting the 2008 presidential race makes it feel more like January 2008 than January 2007. With the primary and caucus calendar likely to be more compressed than ever before, candidates are being forced to announce their decisions incredibly early -- to give themselves time to raise the vast sums and build the early state infrastructures necessary to compete. [więcej]

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