Monday, January 22, 2007

22 stycznia 2007 - poniedziałek

Hillary's team has questions about Obama's Muslim background - Insight
Are the American people ready for an elected president who was educated in a Madrassa as a young boy and has not been forthcoming about his Muslim heritage? [więcej]
Rush of Entries Gives '08 Race Early Intensity - New York Times
Two years before the next president is inaugurated and a full year before the first vote is cast, the contest for the White House is off to a breathtakingly fast start, exposing an ever-growing field of candidates to longer, more intensive scrutiny and increasing the amount of money they need to remain viable. [więcej]
2008: Senator Clinton Casts a Long Shadow - The Caucus Blog
You would’ve thought Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton was in the room on some of the news shows today, given how much her presidential exploratory announcement on Saturday dominated and infused interviews with other potential 2008 contenders. What a difference a few days makes, as she pretty much shoved aside Senator Barack Obama’s exploratory announcement last Tuesday. [więcej]
Race may revolve around Clintons - Chicago Tribune
In this race, at this point, Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York is the sun. Everyone else, including Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois, revolves around her.She will have the money, the organization and the most attention focused on her. It will be her blessing and may be her curse. She repels at least as much as she attracts. At least for now. [więcej]
How Obama Vs. Clinton Shapes Up - Washington Post
Three differences and three similarities will define the contest between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama. The most important difference lies in where their respective political journeys began. After her early work as an advocate for children, Clinton came to political maturity in the South as part of her husband's efforts to rescue the Democratic Party from its low point in the 1980s. She was shaped by her party's need to win back moderate and conservative voters who had strayed to Ronald Reagan's banner. [więcej]
Media are gonna Barack around the clock - Chicago Sun Times
Did you see that poll about Iraq suggesting that . . . What's that? Barack Obama? Oh, sorry. According to the new rules from the American Media Practitioners Association, we're obliged to make at least one flattering reference to Barack Obama per column, preferably accompanied by that picture USA Today used with his head framed by a kind of luminous halo thing. [więcej]

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